The value of our design studio is the result of the qualities of the people who make it.
Every personality is important in order to obtain an outcome that is like a dress made of the material sewn by every single presence.
Roles, responsibilities, ages and different characters are always at stake to search for an organizational form that is constantly improving.
The main objective is to satisfy the customer’s needs in compliance with the law and our territory.
The construction industry has a fundamental role for us, the progress can never be of an individual, but of the social community, so let’s try to participate by sharing our work and our experiences to improve our society.
For these reasons we invest in permanent, individual, educational and cultural studies and we are committed to ensuring that the place where we work is beautiful and pleasant.
A definition of engineer and designer who represents us is by the author Haruki Murakami:
” … he was a born Designer: he possessed the acute strength of concentration of a bird that flies in the sky in search of food, together with the patience of a donkey that carries water, remaining strictly faithful to the rules of the game. “
Here there is “poetically” everything.
Poetry, from the Greek, means “To Invent, Make, Communicate, Produce.”
Isn’t this the job of every designer?